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Hive - Concat String with row data

Am trying to concat a string with data row in a table using Hive.

which looks like this in SQL

 SELECT 'Select * from ' + [Column] + '; '
                 FROM table_name
                 ORDER BY [table_name]

Result Should be - SELECT * FROM abc; SELECT * FROM asd; SELECT * FROM xyz..

Unable to write or find something related to this in Hive command.

Use concat() function:

'SELECT concat('Select * from ', [table_name],  '; ') 
                 FROM your_table
                 ORDER BY [table_name]'

if a [table_name] is a column containing table_name

Concate the string data which is in row. Say x , y to be the column names.

insert into orders(1,"a");
insert into orders(2,"b");

Here suppose we want to concate "a" , "b" as one entity. So we do as follow

select concat_ws(',',collect_list(a,b)) from orders;

You can use concat to accomplish your task. But if you directly put ";" inside concat function it may show "can not recognize input error" to avoid this use \ before;

below is the tested and working example of the same

select concat("select * from ", col , " \;") from table


select * from A;

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