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how to concat all column data of a grouped row?

Given the following table:

|       Account      |  Company  |
| gloria.harding     | FB        |
| gloria.harding     | Twitter   |
| bryant.schuman     | Google    |
| jerry.maxwell      | Apple     |
| rachel.heptinstall | FB        |
| rachel.heptinstall | Twitter   |
| rachel.heptinstall | Instagram |

I want to group the result by Account but I need the Company column of each row in the group to be concatenated and display all of them in an anonymous column like so:

|       Account      |      'Companies'       |
| gloria.harding     | FB, Twitter            |
| bryant.schuman     | Google                 |
| jerry.maxwell      | Apple                  |
| rachel.heptinstall | FB, Twitter, Instagram |

Is this possible to achieve on TSQL?

The first requirement can easily be achieved by grouping the Account column but I don't know how to achieve the latter.

You can use the following - using stuff()

select distinct Account,
STUFF((Select ','+Company
from tablename T1
where T1.account=T2.account
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') from tablename T2

There is an easier solution than working with XML for someone who is using SQL Server 2017 and above. Microsoft introduced STRING_AGG command and this fits perfectly into what you want.

                          FROM TableName T1
                          WHERE T1.Account = T2.Account) 
FROM TableName T2;

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