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how to reduce the processing cost of comparing many strings together in Python?

I have two datasets, A and B, that contain a string variable similar to a headline.

example : "this is a very nice string".

Both datasets are large (millions of observations).

I need to see whether the strings in A also appear somewhere in B. I was wondering if there is a specific Python library that would reduce the computational cost of comparing some many strings together?

Maybe via some smart indexing of the datasets before running the comparison? Any idea/suggestion is welcome.

Important problem: matching should be fuzzy, because I can have the following headlines

A: "this is an apple" B: "this is a red apple"

they dont match perfectly, but they are really close. If there is not better matching (such as exact matching) then I consider they are the same.

Many thanks

One option is to convert the two datasets to python set and check whether the set of A is subset of the set of B . You should experiment what is the complexity, but I believe python code is pretty optimized.

Other option is to build trie of the strings in B . This will take O(|B| * max_str_len_in_B) . After that you will iterate over the strings in A and check if everyone of them is in the trie. This will cost you O(|A| * max_str_len_in_A) .

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