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Javascript - array of img-strings append number to specific attribute

I have an array of <img .../> -strings and I want to append a number into the foo attribute of selected ones. I have made up this code as an example, where my_imgs is the array of <img .../> -strings:

    <title>Append integer into the 'foo'-attribute of an 'img'-tag - Test</title>
        function my_function(some_img, some_integer){
            //magic happens :-(
            return some_img_with_appended_integer;
        var my_imgs = ["<img src='1.png' foo='99 1 33' bar='qwertz1' harhar='yxcvb1' />",
                       "<img src='2.png' foo='2 3' bar='qwertz2' harhar='yxcvb2' someother='x' />",
                       "<img src='3.png' foo='9 7 2' bar='qwertz3' harhar='yxcvb3' />"];
        console.log("my_imgs = " + my_imgs);    
        my_function(my_imgs[0],"987"); // --> must return: "<img src='1.png' foo='99 1 33 987' bar='qwertz1' harhar='yxcvb1' />"
        my_function(my_imgs[1],"76"); // --> must return: "<img src='2.png' foo='2 3 76' bar='qwertz2' harhar='yxcvb2' someother='x' />"
        my_function(my_imgs[2],"345"); // --> must return: "<img src='3.png' foo='9 7 2 345' bar='qwertz3' harhar='yxcvb3' />"

I basically know these tools are neccessary to solve this, but i am struggling to solve my problem and therefore wanted to ask for some help.

You can achieve this using createElement which will create new DOM element . append the image element in created element using innerHTML and then you can find that element using getElementsByTagName and using DOM node methods like getAttribute and setAttribute to manipulate attributes .

Try this:

 function my_function(some_img, some_integer) { var elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.innerHTML = some_img; var image = elem.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; var attribute = image.getAttribute('foo'); image.setAttribute('foo', attribute + ' ' + some_integer); return image.outerHTML; } var my_imgs = ["<img src='1.png' foo='99 1 33' bar='qwertz1' harhar='yxcvb1' />", "<img src='2.png' foo='2 3' bar='qwertz2' harhar='yxcvb2' someother='x' />", "<img src='3.png' foo='9 7 2' bar='qwertz3' harhar='yxcvb3' />" ]; var modified = my_function(my_imgs[0], "987"); alert(modified); 

You can use string replace() with a regex:

function my_function(str, number) {
    return str.replace( /foo='(.*?)'/, "foo='$1 " + number + "'")

Note that this relies on using ' for quoting the attribute value - if you're going to have a mixture of ' and " you'll need a slightly more sophisticated regex, but the principle is the same.

Create a HTML DOM Element of the img tag and the set it's new attribute.

function my_function(some_img, some_integer){
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.innerHTML = some_img;
            var el = div.childNodes[0];
            var foo = el.getAttribute("foo")+" "+some_integer;
            el.setAttribute("foo", foo);
            return el;

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