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Convert Enums without knowing the type using Java Reflection API

I have 2 packages , A and B which contain the same list of classes. I am not able to use dozer or any mapping tool directly because the Enum values are uppercase in one package and camelcase in another package. I want to write a generic method which takes in the enum from package A and convert it into enum in package B using Reflection. Below is the specific code that I had written -

return a.CardType.valueOf(((b.CardType)source).getValue().toUpperCase());

I want to write generic code to convert assuming I have source class ( enum type) as object , source class name and destination class name

is that what you want

public class Mango {
    static enum Upper {A,B,C}
    static enum Lower {a,b,c}

    static <SRC extends Enum<SRC>,DST extends Enum<DST>> DST convert(SRC a, Class<DST> classDst ){
        return  Enum.valueOf(   classDst,a.name().toUpperCase());

    public static void main(String[] args) {



So you want convert lowercase/uppercase enum to camelCase? Just modify convert function to :

static <SRC extends Enum<SRC>,DST extends Enum<DST>> DST convert(SRC a, Class<DST> classDst ){
        for (DST dst : EnumSet.allOf(classDst)){
            if (dst.name().equalsIgnoreCase(a.name())){
                return dst;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value not found");

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