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How to query a JSON object

In my AngularJS web app, How can I query a JSON object ?

For example in the below JSON object how can I find the value of reportTypeLabel where reportTypeId=3


      reportTypeLabel:"Financial Reporting"
      reportTypeCode:"REM HE",
      reportTypeLabel:"High Earners"
      reportTypeCode:"COREP LE",
      reportTypeLabel:"Large Exposures - COREP"

You can require $filter service and do

var elements = $filter('filter')(arrayOfObjects,{reportTypeId: 3});

elements will be an array of all the elements with that 'reportTypeId' i would recommend reading about angular filters and https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/ $filter

If you're going to use data manipulation extensively, I'd highly recommend using a JS library, like underscore or lodash .

For example, using underscore :

// assuming your object is called data

var result = _.findWhere(data, {
    reportTypeId: 3
// result === 'Large Exposures - COREP'

You could do this

<div ng-repeat="report in reports | filter:{reportTypeId:'3'}">

Working Fiddle

You can use regular filter function on array:

var items = [
  {reportTypeId:5, reportTypeCode:"FINREP"},
  {reportTypeId:9000002, reportTypeCode:"REM HE"}
var onlyMatching = items.filter(function(item){ return item.reportTypeId == 3; });

Or an angular filter in html

<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter: {reportTypeId: '3'}">{{item. reportTypeLabel}}</div>

Or an angular filter through $filter service

module.controller('ItemsCtrl', function($filter){
  $scope.filtered = $filter('filter')($scope.items,{ reportTypeId: '3' });

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