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VBScript Recordset Field Names and Length

Using VBScript, I create a recordset from a SQL query through and ADO connection object. I need to be able to write the field names and the largest field length to a text file, essentially as a two dimensional array, in the format of FieldName|FieldLength with a carriage return delimiter, example:

Matter Number|x(13)
Due Date|x(10)

Whilst I am able to loop through the Columns and write out the field names, I cannot solve the issue of Field Length. Code as follows:

Set objColNames = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF14,2,true)
For i=0 To LF06 -1
  objColNames.Write(Recordset.Fields(i).Name & "|x(" & Recordset.Fields(i).ActualSize & ")" & vbCrLf)

in this instance it only writes the current selected Field Length.

If I understand the question correctly (I'm not certain I do)....

If you change your SQL statement you only need to return one record.

 Select Max(Len([Matter Number])) as [Matter Number], 
  Max(Len([Description])) As Description, Max(Len([Due Date])) As [Due Date] FROM TableName

This will return the maximum length of each field. Then construct your output from there.

To get an extrema item (largest, smallest, ...) of a collection you need a loop over all elements that checks the current element's value against the known 'extrema so far':

>> a = Array(1, 3, 2)
>> x = a(0)
>> For i = 1 To UBound(a)
>>     If a(i) > x Then
>>        x = a(i)
>>     End If
>> Next
>> WScript.Echo x

After a little more research and testing I solved the issue by creating a dictionary based on the recordset field (column) count, then iterating through each item and evaluating the length of each field:

Dim Connection Dim Recordset

Set Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Connection.Open LF08
Recordset.Open LF05,Connection


Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objColNames = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF14,2,true)
For i=0 to LF06 -1
  d.Add i, 0

Dim aTable1Values

Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF07,2,true)

Dim iRowLoop, iColLoop
For iRowLoop = 0 to UBound(aTable1Values, 2)
  For iColLoop = 0 to UBound(aTable1Values, 1)
    If d.item(iColLoop) < Len(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop)) Then
      d.item(iColLoop) = Len(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop))
    End If

    If IsNull(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop)) Then
      objFileToWrite.Write(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop))
    End If
    If iColLoop <> UBound(aTable1Values, 1) Then
    End If
  next 'iColLoop
Next 'iRowLoop

For i=0 to LF06 -1
  d.item(i) = d.item(i) + 3
  objColNames.Write(Recordset.Fields(i).Name & "|x(" & d.item(i) & ")" & vbCrLf)

I then have two text files, one with the field names and lengths, the other with the query results. Using this I can then create a two dimensional array in the CMS (VisualFiles) from the results.

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