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Regex repeated group

Having trouble with a repeated capturing group:


See demo

Basically I want to match the card value ( As , 8h etc..) combinations inside the square brackets only

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You can use a regex with a \\G operator to match multiple substrings inside [...] :


See regex demo

In short, this PCRE regex will match a text that:

  • (?:\\[|(?!^)\\G)\\s*\\K - starts with [ or is at the end of the previous successful match followed with zero or more whitespace symbols
  • [2-9AQTKJ][shcd] - matches 2 characters each of the defined sets
  • (?=[^\\]]*]) - a positive lookahead checking if there is a closing ] ahead of the current position

PHP demo :

$re = '~(?:\[|(?!^)\G)\s*\K[2-9AQTKJ][shcd](?=[^\]]*])~'; 
$str = "[As 4h 8s] [ As 4h ] [As4h] As [ 4h "; 
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);

Is this want you want?



EDIT ( Full PHP Solution )

$str= "[As 4h 8s] [ As 4h ] [As4h] As [ 4h ";

preg_match_all("/\[([^\]]+)\]/", $str, $matches);
$values = $matches[1];
$result = [];
foreach($values as $value)
   $parts = preg_split("/ /", $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
   foreach($parts as $part)
    array_push($result, $part);
var_dump($result); // $result will contain all the values you want

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