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Website - Keeps reverting back to old version after changes have been made?

So I've created my website using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap and PHP. Now I created a basic website and I decided to change a few things on it. So I have done this by opening up Notepad++ and changing things like spelling and glyphicons and then I save the changes and then click run in Notepad++ and all is great in the browser. Changes applied successfully. Then I go back to my folder and open with either chrome, IE or firefox and again great the change was successful.

Though as soon as I click on a tab to got to another newly changed page the changes aren't there and it's reverted back to an older version. Then I'll click to go back to the page I was just on and it will have one or two of the features I've just changed but the rest has reverted.

But if I go back into the folder or Notepad++ and run the index.html or about.html file then it's fine again until I navigate the pages then it starts reverting back.

I need help as this is such a pain and I have no idea why it's not just updating?

Any questions please just ask. Been at this for three days!

I think you should check if your hyperlinks are linking to the right pages. Maybe you renamed your pages? Make sure you run the right, changed, index.html from the right direction in your browser, not the old version.

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