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`friday` package is very slow

I'm writing a Haskell program that draws big maps from Knytt Stories world files. I use the friday package to make image files, and I need to compose the many graphics layers that I put together from spritesheets. Right now, I use my own ugly function for this:

import qualified Vision.Primitive as Im
import qualified Vision.Image.Type as Im
import qualified Vision.Image.Class as Im
import Vision.Image.RGBA.Type (RGBA, RGBAPixel(..))

-- Map a Word8 in [0, 255] to a Double in [0, 1].
w2f :: Word8 -> Double
w2f = (/255) . fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- Map a Double in [0, 1] to a Word8 in [0, 255].
f2w :: Double -> Word8
f2w = toEnum . round . (*255)

-- Compose two images into one. `bottom` is wrapped to `top`'s size.
compose :: RGBA -> RGBA -> RGBA
compose bottom top =
    let newSize = Im.manifestSize top
        bottom' = wrap newSize bottom
    in Im.fromFunction newSize $ \p ->
        let RGBAPixel rB gB bB aB = bottom' Im.! p
            RGBAPixel rT gT bT aT = top Im.! p
            aB' = w2f aB; aT' = w2f aT
            ovl :: Double -> Double -> Double
            ovl cB cT = (cT * aT' + cB * aB' * (1.0 - aT')) / (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
            (~*~) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
            cB ~*~ cT = f2w $ w2f cB `ovl` w2f cT
            aO = f2w (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
        in RGBAPixel (rB ~*~ rT) (gB ~*~ gT) (bB ~*~ bT) aO

It simply alpha-composites a bottom layer and a top layer, like so:


If the “bottom” layer is a texture, it will be looped horizontally and vertically (by wrap ) to fit the top layer's size.

Rendering a map takes far, far longer than it should. Rendering the map for the default world that comes with the game takes 27 minutes at -O3 , even though the game itself can clearly render each separate screen in less than a couple of milliseconds. (The smaller example output I linked above see above takes 67 seconds; also far too long.)

The profiler (output is here ) says the program spends about 77% of its time in compose .

Cutting this down seems like a good first step. It seems like a very simple operation, but I can't find a native function in friday that lets me do this. Supposedly GHC should be good at collapsing all of the fromFunction stuff, but I don't know what's going on. Or is the package just super slow?

Here's the full, compileable code.

As I stated in my comment, the MCE I made performs fine and does not yield any interesting output:

module Main where
import qualified Vision.Primitive as Im
import Vision.Primitive.Shape
import qualified Vision.Image.Type as Im
import qualified Vision.Image.Class as Im
import Vision.Image.RGBA.Type (RGBA, RGBAPixel(..))
import Vision.Image.Storage.DevIL (load, save, Autodetect(..), StorageError, StorageImage(..))
import Vision.Image (convert)
import Data.Word
import System.Environment (getArgs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  [input1,input2,output] <- getArgs
  io1 <- load Autodetect input1 :: IO (Either StorageError StorageImage)
  io2 <- load Autodetect input2 :: IO (Either StorageError StorageImage)
  case (io1,io2) of
    (Left err,_) -> error $ show err
    (_,Left err) -> error $ show err
    (Right i1, Right i2) -> go (convert i1) (convert i2) output
  go i1 i2 output =
      do res <- save Autodetect output (compose i1 i2)
         case res of
          Nothing -> putStrLn "Done with compose"
          Just e  -> error (show (e :: StorageError))

-- Wrap an image to a given size.
wrap :: Im.Size -> RGBA -> RGBA
wrap s im =
    let Z :. h :. w = Im.manifestSize im
    in Im.fromFunction s $ \(Z :. y :. x) -> im Im.! Im.ix2 (y `mod` h) (x `mod` w)

-- Map a Word8 in [0, 255] to a Double in [0, 1].
w2f :: Word8 -> Double
w2f = (/255) . fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- Map a Double in [0, 1] to a Word8 in [0, 255].
f2w :: Double -> Word8
f2w = toEnum . round . (*255)

-- Compose two images into one. `bottom` is wrapped to `top`'s size.
compose :: RGBA -> RGBA -> RGBA
compose bottom top =
    let newSize = Im.manifestSize top
        bottom' = wrap newSize bottom
    in Im.fromFunction newSize $ \p ->
        let RGBAPixel rB gB bB aB = bottom' Im.! p
            RGBAPixel rT gT bT aT = top Im.! p
            aB' = w2f aB; aT' = w2f aT
            ovl :: Double -> Double -> Double
            ovl cB cT = (cT * aT' + cB * aB' * (1.0 - aT')) / (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
            (~*~) :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
            cB ~*~ cT = f2w $ w2f cB `ovl` w2f cT
            aO = f2w (aT' + aB' * (1.0 - aT'))
        in RGBAPixel (rB ~*~ rT) (gB ~*~ gT) (bB ~*~ bT) aO

This code loads two images, applies your compose operation, and saves the resulting image. This happens almost instantly:

% ghc -O2 so.hs && time ./so /tmp/lambda.jpg /tmp/lambda2.jpg /tmp/output.jpg && o /tmp/output.jpg
Done with compose
./so /tmp/lambda.jpg /tmp/lambda2.jpg /tmp/output.jpg  0.05s user 0.00s system 98% cpu 0.050 total

If you have an alternate MCE then please post it. Your complete code was too non-minimal for my eyes.

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