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Create reusable GUI components in Spring

I have a project using Spring MVC and I recently added the use of Apache Tiles on my pages. But I a model Book I have to display on a lot of different pages. Can I define a Book GUI Component somehow in Spring . I would like to have something like this:

A GUI Component I can define as such: book.viewcomponent


A first page using this component by passing a model object booklist.jsp

<!--some import to let me insert with prefix:"insert"-->
<insert page="book.jsp" model="${book}">

A second a page using this component by passing a model object morebooks.jsp

<!--some import to let me insert with prefix:"insert"-->
<insert page="book.jsp" model="${book}">

I think you could do this with includes or tags. With includes:

<!-- There's a book in the request -->
<jsp:include page="book.jsp" />

In this case, if you have things like ${book.title} inside your book.jsp file, then there must be a Book object called "book" in the request prior to including your fragment.

With tags , it's a little more formal. You need to write your tag in a file, along with its parameters definition. The following would be your book.tagx tag inside, for example, WEB-INF/tags/mytags :

<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0">
  <jsp:directive.attribute name="book" type="your.package.Book" required="true" />

You can then import this tag adding the namespace referring to the location where you saved it:


and finally use it:

<mytags:book book="${book}" />

As you can see, here the parameter is passed to the tag, instead of being passed implicitly in the request.

More info on creating tags: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19316-01/819-3669/6n5sg7b5m/index.html

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