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Check Username is in database php & get data from two tables to login

I am creating a website where there are three different levels of access

  • 0 = normal
  • 1 = staff
  • 2 = admin

In the login form, I managed to check if the password(SHA1) matches the one in the database (which is encrypted), but didn't check the user id.

When the user or staff / admin are registered, their details are stored into separate tables which have more details( Name, DateOfBirth, ... ).


  1. how would I implement this in my code?

     $result = mysql_query( $qs ) or die( mysql_error() ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ){ $stored_password = $row['Password']; if( $stored_password == sha1( $pw ) ){ $_SESSION['Status'] = $row['Status']; if( $_SESSION['Status'] == 0 ){ echo "<h1>User Menu Loading...</h1>"; echo"<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' Content='1;URL=http://***/'>"; }else{ echo "<h1>Incorrect Password.</h1>"; echo"<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' Content='1;URL=http://**/login.php'>"; } } 
  2. Is there a way all these three types of users can login via the login page and can retrieve the data from two different tables?

I have tried many ways but keep getting a blank screen or it says

incorrect password

even though the password is correct.


$un = $_POST['User_ID'];
$sf = $_POST['Staff_ID'];
$pw = $_POST['Password'];
$st = $_POST['Status'];

if not then I think I should create separate login areas.

thank you ( I am currently changing mysql to mysqli )



$qs="SELECT Cadets.Cadet_ID, Cadets.Password, Cadets.Status, 
        Staff.Staff_ID, Staff.Password, Staff.Status, 
 FROM   Cadets, Staff
 WHERE  Cadets.Cadet_ID ='$un' AND Staff.Staff_ID = '$sf'";

Q.1) To check the user id : First check the userid in the database and then check for password

$db=new mysqli("host", "sqlusername","sqlpassword","database");
$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from your_table_name where user_ID = ?");

Q.2) Yes. There is a way to do so. But question is a bit incomplete add some codes.

I'll update my answer as you edit your question to include more info.

A) You should not use the mysql library, as it is insecure and deprecated (soon to be removed): Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? You should use mysqli or PDO library.

B) sha1 is not secure, you should use something like password_hash() or crypt() but I guess sha1 is fine for educational purposes.

C) Question 1: You don't need to check for the ID.
You use while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { but since you are looking for a unique username/combination, there should only be one result or none:

if ($record = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

You seem to be only checking if the password is correct, but you should really be checking for a unique combination of username AND password (what if two users have the same passwords? sha1() is not helping you there.

So you should have something like:

$qs = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '" . sha1($pw) ."'"

Or if you use the actual staff ID as the username:

$qs = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$id' AND password = '" . sha1($pw) ."'"

D) You won't be able to see this message echo "<h1>User Menu Loading...</h1>"; as you have a redirect immediately after

E) Question 2: you need to clarify a bit more, are there 2 or 3 tables (since you mention there are 3 types of users).

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