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Nested ngRepeat with complex JSON-Object

I need to show a table. Table consist with a list of objects (I don't know about length of this list), each object have a list of "data".

What have:

var list = [
        name: "block1",
        data: [<bigArray1>]
        name: "block2",
        data: [<bigArray2>]
        name: "blockN",
        data: [<bigArrayN>]

.DATA-Array have always same length in all list.elements!

Is it possible to show this table?


|--INDEX-----|--BLOCK1------|---BLOCK2-----|- *** -|----BLOCKN-----|
| 0          | bigarray1[0] | bigarary2[0] |- *** -| bigararyN[0]  | 
| 1          | bigarray1[1] | bigarray2[1] |- *** -| bigarrayN[1]  | 
| 2          | bigarray1[2] | bigarray2[2] |- *** -| bigarrayN[2]  | 
| 3          | bigarray1[3] | bigarray2[3] |- *** -| bigarrayN[3]  | 

Update 1:

data-Array have length between 10.000 - 100.000 or more. And this data I use in mobile App. Solutions with converting and create a new array is from performance , i think, very bad idea... or?

Update 2:

TABLE COLUMN HEADER length = 1 (for "Nr") + list.length
TABLE BODY length = list[].data.length

Update 3:


    <th ng-repeat="column in list">{{column.name}}</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="index in list[0].data track by $index">
      <td ng-repeat="column in list">

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