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Copiable mocks in Google Test Framework

Is it possible to make a mock class copiable in Google Test Framework ? I've seen that the default copy constructor and copy assignment operator are deleted once that the MOCK_METHOD macros are used. Is there a way to workaround that?

I cannot imagine any use case for copying mock objects. When you want to mimic real object with mock object - you shall have access to the very same object from code under test and from your test case code - so why copying needed?

Anyway - I see one method to make copying of mock object: You have to define wrapper on mock object - which shall be kept by std::shared_ptr .

An example:

class XxxMock : public XxxInterface
   MOCK_METHOD0(foo, void());

#include <memory>
class XxxSharedMock : public XxxInteface
   XxxSharedMock(std::shared_ptr<XxxMock> xxxMock = std::make_shared<XxxMock>())
      : xxxMock(xxxMock) 
   void foo() override
   // having: XxxSharedMock xxxMock; 
   // do:     EXPECT_CALL(xxxMock.mock(), foo());
   XxxMock& mock() { return *xxxMock; }
   XxxMock const& mock() const { return *xxxMock; }

   std::shared_ptr<XxxMock> xxxMock;

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