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Combine similar multiple rows into one

I have a table with data as mentioned below.

Name | Type | Data     | Time
DN60 | LTE  | CPU Load | 2/14/2016 7:00
DN60 | LTE  | CPU Load | 2/14/2016 8:00
DN60 | LTE  | CPU Load | 2/14/2016 9:00

I want the final output to be of one row like below. Since the date will be always for current day, the date value can be ignored in the output.

Name | Type | Data     | Time
DN60 | LTE  | CPU Load | 07:00,08:00,09:00

How can I accomplish this with a simple SQL statement, if at all. I am using SQL Server 2008.

Here is one way using XML PATH trick

;with cte as
FROM   ( VALUES ('DN60','LTE','CPU Load',Cast('2/14/2016 7:00' AS DATETIME)),
                ('DN60','LTE','CPU Load',Cast('2/14/2016 8:00' AS DATETIME)),
                ('DN60','LTE','CPU Load',Cast('2/14/2016 9:00' AS DATETIME)) ) cs (NAME, Type, Data, Time) 
                LEFT(cs.time, Len(cs.time) - 1) AS time
FROM   cte a
       CROSS APPLY (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Time, 8) + ','
                    FROM   cte B
                    WHERE  a.NAME = b.NAME
                           AND a.Type = b.Type
                           AND a.Data = b.Data
                    FOR XML PATH('')) cs (time) 


║ NAME ║ Type ║   Data   ║            time            ║
║ DN60 ║ LTE  ║ CPU Load ║ 07:00:00,08:00:00,09:00:00 ║

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