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How to find the value for a given key if a hash function is chosen randomly from Universal family of hash functions?

I am taking a course on data structures in coursera and I read recently about Universal family of hash functions. If i choose a hash function randomly from a universal family of hash functions, How will i exactly remap it to look up for a value. If i have to remember the function chosen for each key, then i should maintain a list for it. And this evaluation of finding the correct hash function for a key itself will take linear time violating the constant time look up of hash tables. How should i proceed implementing it?

When making one hash map, you use one function from the family. When you rehash the entire map (typically because of lack of capacity or too many collisions) or create a separate map, you can then choose a different hashing function from the family. You wouldn't use two different functions to attempt to create the same hash map.

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