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How to add “and” to a comma separated string

If I have a string like "one, two, three" what is a way to convert it to "one, two, and three"

If the string contains only one item then no and is necessary.

try this :

def fun(s) {
  def words = s.split(', ')
  words.size() == 1 ? words.head() : words.init().join(', ') + ', and ' + words.last()

assert fun("one, two, three") == "one, two, and three"
assert fun("one") == "one"


Here's a way to handle cases where there are either 1, 2, 3+ words:

def doIt(string) {
    def elements = string.split(', ')

    switch(elements.size()) {
        case 0:
        case 1: 
        case 2:
            elements.join(" and ")
            new StringBuilder().with {
                append elements.take(Math.max(elements.size() - 1, 1)).join(', ')
                append ", and "
                append elements.last()

assert doIt("one, two, three, four") == "one, two, three, and four"
assert doIt("one, two, three") == "one, two, and three"
assert doIt("one, two") == "one and two"
assert doIt("one") == "one"

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