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how to convert unicode string on unicode format with python?

I'm a student to learn python scrapy(crawler).

I want to convert unicode string to str in python. but this unicode string is not common string. this unicode is unicode format. please see below code.

# python 2.7

I can see console like below, when run upper script.

$ <type 'unicode'>
$ 서용교 ## this words is korean characters
$ <type 'unicode'>
$ u'\\uc9c0\\ubc29\\uc790\\uce58\\ub2e8\\uccb4'

I want see "keyword_name_temp" as korean. but I don't know how to do...

I got the name list and keyword_name_temp from html code with http request.

name list fundamentally was String format.

keyword_name_temp fundamentally was unicode format.

please anybody help me !

最简单的解决方案是切换到Python 3,默认情况下字符串为Unicode。

u'\\\지\\\방\\\자\\\치\\\단\\\체' contains real backslashes (backslash being an escape character in Python string literals, python interpreter prints backslash in strings as \\\\ ) followed by u and hex sequences, not literal Unicode characters U+C9C0 etc. which are commonly written using \\u\u003c/code> escape sequence (Would that string happen to come from some JSON object perhaps?)

You can construct a JSON string out of it, and use json.loads() to transform to a unicode string:

Example in Python 2.7:

>>> s1 = u'서용교'
>>> type(s1)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> s1
>>> print(s1)
>>> s2 = u'\\uc9c0\\ubc29\\uc790\\uce58\\ub2e8\\uccb4'
>>> type(s2)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> # put that unicode string between double-quotes
>>> # so that json module can interpret it
>>> ts2 = u'"%s"' % s2
>>> ts2
>>> import json
>>> json.loads(ts2)
>>> print(json.loads(ts2))

Another option is to make it a string literal

>>> import ast
>>> # construct a string literal, with the 'u' prefix
>>> s2_literal = u'u"%s"' % s2
>>> s2_literal
>>> print(ast.literal_eval(s2_literal))
>>> # also works with single-quotes string literals
>>> s2_literal2 = u"u'%s'" % s2
>>> s2_literal2
>>> print(ast.literal_eval(s2_literal2))


print name[0].decode("utf-8")

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