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Cling Kernel for Jupyter on Ubuntu

I built Cling on my laptop with Ubuntu 15.04 following the instructions given on https://github.com/root-mirror/cling#jupyter because I wanted to use the Cling kernel for Jupyter. I installed Jupyter, I checked that Cling is in my PATH, but when I type the command

jupyter kernelspec install cling

I get the following

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'cling'

Someone knows what's happening?

According to the source code , jupyter kernelspec install command expects the path to the directory containing kernel spec file (kernel.json) as an argument. So if you cloned the cling repository in, say, ~/cling/src, this should work:

jupyter kernelspec install ~/cling/src/tools/cling/tools/Jupyter/kernel/cling

That's probably because in your folder 3 versions of Cling kernel are defined (C++11, C++14 and C++17).
So instead of trying to add Cling try to add one of those versions or all three if you want to.


I had the same problem just one minute ago, but I was able to solve it. I executed:

$ jupyter kernelspec install --user cling-cpp11

directly from /home/ubuntu_user/cling_ubuntu/share/cling/Jupyter/kernel .

The installation was successful, I moved to my working directory and called a jupyter notebook; it opened ok, but the kernel immediately died.

I thought the problem was that I have to install cling from where I was going to call the jupyter notebook, and I did so:

After uninstalling the kernel (also from /home/ubuntu_user/cling_ubuntu/share/cling/Jupyter/kernel ) with:

jupyter kernelspec uninstall cling-cpp11

I repeated all the installation process:

Let's assume that you are usually going to call jupiter from /home/ubuntu_user , and you have your cling repository here



  1. Go there: $ cd /home/ubuntu_user
  2. $ source activate my_env (I work with Anaconda, so I activated my environment)
  3. $ export PATH=/home/ubuntu_user/cling_ubuntu/bin:$PATH
  4. $ cd cling_ubuntu/share/cling/Jupyter/kernel/cling-cpp11
  5. $ pip install -e.
  6. Here you have to move to your future working directory.

    $ cd /home/ubuntu_user , type:

    $ jupyter kernelspec install --user cling_ubuntu/share/cling/Jupyter/kernel/cling-cpp11

    .. and the kernel is still alive and works ok.

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