cost 123 ms
How to remove cling?

After run clang --version on my MAC OS 10.15 Catalina, I got this result: When I use cmake, it keeps using the clang installed by cling. Now I get ...

Search only for my Services

I am writing a upnp application using Cling library. To get my Services/Server I do something like this. I had expected that the Registry only shou ...

How do you load a library with cling?

This might not even be a cling question, I'm a C++ newbie. I am trying to play around with a library called QuantLib in the cling REPL. I'm able to ...

2016-06-07 05:16:28   1   1692    c++ / cling  
Action with no state variable

Is there a way to specify an @UpnpAction with no associated @UpnpStateVariable in Cling?. I tried something like public class ApplicationExecutionSer ...

2015-04-29 13:08:37   1   48    java / cling  

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