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How to convert single child xml element to Json Array

I am using WSO2 ESB and trying to convert my XML payload to Json.

<property name="messageType" value="application/json" scope="axis2"/>

The above property mediator convert my xml to json and it all works fine.

The issue is with the child nodes in my XML payload.

When the xml is


it gets converted to

"users": {
    "user": [
        "user1", "user2"

so my rest full endpoint recieving the json payload which is expecting a list 'user' works fine.

but when the xml is


the converted json looks like this,

"users": {
    "user": "user1"

So the restfull endpoint which is expecting a list of 'user' is not getting a list rather a string is sent and the datatype mismatch causes endpoint not found.

If further tried,

<Data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:json="http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json">
        <user json:Array="true">user1</user>

This converts gives a json as,

  "Data": {
    "users": {
      "user": {
        "@Array": "true",
        "$": "user1"

What I need is,

  "Data": {
    "users": {
      "user": {

After Jay's suggestion,

Thanks Jay,

After your inputs, I tried something but I am stuck at some point. This is what I am trying,

                "someIds" : {
                    "someIdList" : (vUIdLen &gt; 1 ? mc.getProperty("someIdList") : "["+someIdList+"]")

I am checking the lenth of the child nodes and if it is greater than 1 than I am using the earlier captured value for that node which is ["abc","pqr"] and if it is less than or = 1 than i am using the single json value and constructing it within "["+someIdList+"]" but either of them are not getting appended. it is giving error as "The script engine returned an error executing the inlined js script function mediate".

How do I append this properly.

(vUIdLen &gt; 1 ? mc.getProperty("someIdList") : "["+someIdList+"]")

The value of mc.getProperty("someIdList") above is ["abc","pqr"] and value of someIdList in "["+someIdList+"]" comes as abc.

Please suggest.

There is another solution for this without using script mediator, you can add


processing instruction to your payload. as follows;


this will create json array for users.

{"users": {"user": ["user1"]}}

Hope this will helpful.

Use script mediator to build payload. please refer following links.

[1]. https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB480/Script+Mediator .

[2]. https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB480/JSON+Support

If anybody looking for converting the XML to Json, the below method can be used. It encloses all JSONObject inside a JSONArray.

public JSONObject getJSONFromXML(String xml) {
    JSONObject jsonObject = null;
    try {
        jsonObject = XML.toJSONObject(xml);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        System.out.println("Error in parsing JSON From xml: " + e);
    return jsonObject;

private void convertJsonObjectToArray(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
    for (Object key : jsonObject.keySet()) {
        Object val = jsonObject.get(key.toString());
        if (val instanceof JSONObject) {
            convertJsonObjectToArray((JSONObject) val);
            JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            jsonObject.put(key.toString(), jsonArray);
        } else if (val instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) val;
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i);

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