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Java set values of list of custom object which is a inner class

Hi I am facing a problem while trying to set a list of custom class object which is inside another class.

public class Request {

  private List<Custom> Custom;

  public List<Request.Custom> getCustom() {
    return Custom;

  public void setCustom(List<Request.Custom> custom) {
    Custom= custom;

public class Custom{

    private String id;

    public String getid() {
        return id;

    public void setid(String Id) {
        id= Id;

Now how do I set the id from another class?

Use following syntax to create object of inner class :

classInstance.new InnerClass()

Then you can have a list of Custom from other class

Request req = new Request();
List<Request.Custom> clist = new ArrayList<>();
Request.Custom c;

c = req.new Custom();

c = req.new Custom();


You have to do it so:

Request myR = new Request( );
Request.Custom myCustom = myR.new Custom();

the trick here is myR.new Custom(); and this is the consequence because you are using inner/nested classes

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