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Test for Json transformers in Play framework 2.x

I wrote three simple json transformers with validations

val validateDefaultReminderMethod = Reads.pattern("email|sms|popup".r, "error.reminder.method (pattern: email|sms|popup)")

val validateDefaultReminderMinutes = Reads.min(0) keepAnd Reads.max(40320)

val validateDefaultReminder = (
    (__ \ "method").json.pickBranch(Reads.of[JsString] keepAnd validateDefaultReminderMethod) and
      (__ \ "minutes").json.pickBranch(Reads.of[JsNumber] keepAnd validateDefaultReminderMinutes)

for unit testing first two transformers i can use simple test like

"Default Reminder Method validator" must {
    "is successful for email value" in {
      JsString("email").validate(validateDefaultReminderMethod) must be (JsSuccess("email"))

but I can not understand, how I must test third transformer. It consists of the first two, but how can I check this? So I must wrote same tests for third transformer?

What about:

case class MyClass(method: String, minutes:Int)

"validateDefaultReminder" must {
    "is successful for email value and minutes" in {
        val json = Json.parse("""{ "email: "a@gmail.com", "minutes": 45}""")              
        json.validate[MyClass](validateDefaultReminder) must be JsSuccess

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