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RegEx match first occurrence before keyword

I have the following string:

<ul><li><span>some words here.</span></li><li><span>other words here.</span></li><li><span>Code: 55555.</span></li></ul>

My goal is to remove this part from the string, the set of li tags which contain "code" keyword:

<li><span>Code: 55555.</span></li>

I am trying to write a RegEx that will help me match and replace my substring. Text in between <li></li> might vary but it will always have the keyword "Code". This is what I have so far:


The problem is, it matches from the first <li> tag and I want it to match starting from the <li> tag which is right before our keyword "code".

Thank you for your help!


  • Match <li> literally
  • Followed by any number of characters where the literal </li> doesn't match (this ensures the match will start only at the relevant <li> )
  • Followed by the literal Code:
  • Followed by any number of characters (non-greedy) until the literal </li> is matched


You can try regex groups for that, so your regex would be something like that:


This regex will match more than 1 occurrence of string which has format <\\li>(.*)code:(.*?)</li>.

I guess this might help you a bit.


The RegEx provided by Tim Biegeleisen works just fine. If you want to make sure the word "Code" exists, just replace 'span' with 'Code', like:


  • [az|AZ] [Cc]ode: [0-9|.]+[az|AZ]
  • Here the keyword "Code" is made mandatory in the regex

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