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Mapping C# object to BsonDocument

I am relatively new to MongoDB. I have an object with the following definition

public Class BrdUser
    [BsonId(IdGenerator = typeof(StringObjectIdGenerator))]
    public string ID { get; set; }

    public string UserNm { get; set; }

    public string EmailAdrs { get; set; }
    public IList<Question> Questions{ get; set; } //<-- Un sure as to what Bson type should this be

Where Questions is another BsonDocument defined as:

public class Question
    [BsonId(IdGenerator = typeof(StringObjectIdGenerator))]
    public string ID { get; set; }

    public string Title{ get; set; }

    public string Desciption{ get; set; }

My Question is while mapping, what attribute should I use so that the User object deserializes with the Question objects. There is no [BsonDocument] attibute in C# Driver.

I'm not sure where are you stuck but try:

var brdDoc = new BrdUser ();
brdDoc.UserNm = "invisible";
brdDoc.EmailAdrs = "someone@womewhere.com";
brdDoc.Questions = new []{ new Question{ Title = "Q", Desciption = "Question to ask" } };

var bsonDocument = brdDoc.ToBsonDocument ();
var jsonDocument = bsonDocument.ToJson ();

Console.WriteLine (jsonDocument);

It will print:

   "_id" : null, 
   "username" : "invisible", 
   "email" : "someone@womewhere.com", 
   "Questions" : [{ "_id" : null, "title" : "Q", "desc" : "Question to ask" }] 

Adding these two worked for me.. using MongoDB.Driver; using MongoDB.Bson;

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