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IndexOutOfRangeException SqlDataReader reading bool value from table

I've 3 tables: users , feed(id,body,title,link) and userstofeed(id,userid,feedid,isread) while i'm trying to read bool value from userstofeed table it bring IndexOutOfRangeException . Tell me please what I'm doing wrong

while (reader.Read())
     rssFeed.Title = reader["title"].ToString();
     rssFeed.Body = reader["body"].ToString();
     rssFeed.Link = reader["link"].ToString();
     rssFeed.IsRead = (bool) reader["isread"]; //IndexOutOfRangeException here
     yield return rssFeed;

And here sql store procedure:

create proc spGetItemsByUser
@userName nvarchar(50)
declare @userId int
declare @feedId table (id int)

select @userId = id 
from Users 
where name = @userName

insert into @feedid (id)
select feedid, isread 
from userstofeed 
where userid = @userId

select * from feed where id in (select id from @feedId)
select isread from userstofeed where userid = @userId //Here I'm getting bit if it read or not

Change the SELECT s in your stored procedure to this:

SELECT [feed].[title], [feed].[body], [feed].[link], [userstofeed].[isread]
FROM [feed]
INNER JOIN [userstofeed] ON ([userstofeed].userid = @userId)
WHERE [feed].[id] in (select id from @feedId)

I think in your version isread is not a column of the first result set. The isread values are appended as rows after the rows for title , feed and body .

As Zohar Peled suggested, I try to give a refactoring for the whole stored procedure:

CREATE PROC spGetItemsByUser
   @userName nvarchar(50)
    SELECT [feed].[title], [feed].[body], [feed].[link], [userstofeed].[isread]
    FROM [feed]
    INNER JOIN [userstofeed] ON ([userstofeed].[feedid] = [feed].[id])
    INNER JOIN [users] ON ([users].[id] = [userstofeed].[userid])
    WHERE [users].[name] = @userName

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