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Sorting out array of parent child relations where two children share a parent from an array and display it using div

I have the following data which gets served from a neo4j query, The data that gets sent back is in the format




I am trying to use javascript to display html which should be like this

<div id="parent1">
  <div id="child1"></div>
  <div id="child2"></div>
<div id="parent2">
  <div id="child1"></div>

i tried loopong throigh the query and trying to get the parent to be the index of an object and the child to be values under it

i would do this like this in php

$jsonContents = (object)("parent"=>"child","parent"=>"child"....);
$array = array();
foreach($jsonContents as $jsCo=>$jsoCont){
  $array[$jsoCont->parent][] = $jsoCont->child;

this would return the

$array as


This would let me avoid the check for uniqueness of the home parent category as well as put them in a hierarchy so i can interpret it properly in my View part of MVC, to create my div structure.

this is the url for the example json data


No answers to this, solved it by myself. Here

var data = 'data shown in link above';
var myArr = [];

$.each(data, function(index, element) {
  var parent = String(element.parent.properties.name);
  var child = String(element.child.properties.name);

    myArr[parent][(myArr[parent].length)] = child;
  } else {
    myArr[parent] = Array(child);


Hope this helps people. :)

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