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MySQL Insert into error using VB.net

I am using VB.net to access a MySQL database and insert data into this table. I am getting this data from an opera database, the query I am using is:

Dim queryInsert As String = "INSERT INTO customer_company(customer_id, name, street, zip, 
city,country,comments) values(" + c.sn_account.Trim + ", " + name + ", " + road + ", " 
+ postcode + ", " + city + ", " + country + ", " + name + ")"

I am then getting an error when it comes to the record:

B010, Charles Birt & Co, Loch House, null, Tenby, Dyfed, Charles Birt & Co

I though that this may be the '&' in the data so I have tried replacing it with || chr(38) || and also escaping it using \\& but these do not work. Also I tried setting the postcode to various things like 'N/A', ' ' and null because this particular record doesn't have a postcode but this still gives the error.

Don't know if its the data or the query, any suggestions would be great.

Please use parameters when executing SQL commands. This avoids problems like you encounter in your question and also minimizes SQL injection attacks:

Dim queryInsert As String = 
"INSERT INTO customer_company(customer_id, name, street, zip,city,country,comments) values (@customer_id, @name, @street, @zip, @city, @country, @comments)"

Dim cmd as new MySqlCommand(queryInsert, <YourConnection>)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customer_id", c.sn_account.Trim)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@street", road)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@zip", postcode)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@city", city)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@country", country)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@comments", name)

Not too sure if this will fix your problem but, when adding/inserting a value with a String Data Type Column in SQL, you should have ' '.

in your example:

Dim queryInsert As String = "INSERT INTO customer_company(customer_id, 
name, street, zip, city,country,comments) 
values(" + c.sn_account.Trim + ", '" + name + "', '" + road + "', " 
+ postcode + ", '" + city + "', '" + country + "', '" + name + "')"

i dont add ' ' in customer_id and postcode because i think that they are not string date type.

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