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Sql view based on a flag in column

I am struck in a very hectic situation in SQL. I have a table with the columns (name,is_right) and i want to get a view like:

Wrong Name|| Right Name 
Jass      ||  Jasu  

for the table

Name  || is_right
Jass  || 0  
Jasu  || 1

I am trying to find a solution for this but nothing works. Please help me or guide me through any example so that i can pick it up.

I will assume you have a memberID for the users. Please assume @table is your current table with the user information. I assume each memberID only have one value 0 and one value 1

declare @table table
  memberID nvarchar(10),
  name nvarchar(10),
  is_right integer

 insert into @table values ('A','Jass',0);
 insert into @table values ('A','Jasu',1);
 insert into @table values ('B','Pata',0);
 insert into @table values ('B','Peter',1);

 select distinct 
 (select B.name from @table B where b.is_right = 0 and B.memberID = A.memberID) as 'wrong name',
 (select C.name from @table C where c.is_right = 1 and C.memberID = A.memberID) as 'right name'
 from @table A

this what it return

wrong name| right name

Jass | Jasu

Pata | Peter

Use 2 sub query's. These will need to be linked with an ID to linked them too the main query but you haven't provided that data.

(SELECT Name FROM yourtable WHERE is_right = 0) AS Wrong_Name,
(SELECT Name FROM yourtable WHERE is_right = 1) AS RIGHT_NAME
FROM yourtable

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