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Python Conway Game of Life Implementation

I am implementing Conway's game of life in Python and would like to produce a small GUI to see the model evolving.

My code:

def __init__(self,grid):
        self.top = Tkinter.Tk()

        self.multiplier = 50

        self.gridSize = grid.getSize()
        self.gridArray = grid.getGrid()

        self.C = Tkinter.Canvas(self.top, bg="black", height = self.gridSize[1]*self.multiplier,

    def renderGrid(self, grid):

        for x in range(0,self.gridSize[1]-1):
            for y in range(0,self.gridSize[0]-1):

                agent = grid.getAtPos(Coordinates2D(x,y))
                agent = agent[0]

                mx = x*self.multiplier
                my = y*self.multiplier

                if(agent.state == 0):
                    p = self.C.create_rectangle(mx,my,mx+self.multiplier,my+self.multiplier,
            fill="white", width=3)


I essentially want to be able to pass a grid object to this class and have it update the canvas drawing white squares wherever an agent has status 0.

While this works in principle (Ie: It produces the initial display) it doesn't seem to update. The code from which I am calling it:

grid = ObjectGrid2D(10,10, "golgrid")
g = GameOfLifeRenderer(grid)

for i in range(10):
    print i
    for x in range(10):
        for y in range(10):

            h = GOLCell(1)
            h.state == 0
            grid.moveAgent(Coordinates2D(x,y), h)

Any advice on how I might improve my code?


It doesn't look like you're updating the canvas in your forloop. Try adding the following line after grid.moveAgent(...)


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