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boost regex exception thrown from constructor for .*{

Boost version 1.60.0 gcc 4.8.4

When I construct a boost::regex object with the string: .*{ I get an exception stating that:

what():  Missing } in quantified repetition.  The error occurred while parsing the regular expresion: '.*{>>>HERE>>>'.

This error occurs when the object is a boost::regex::extended type, but not if it is boost::regex::perl .

So the following throws the exception:

boost::regex reg_e(regString, boost::regex::extended);

but this does not:

boost::regex reg_p(regString, boost::regex::perl);

Is this expected behavior or a bug?
If it is expected, why? and what is an appropriate work around?

{ is a special character in this context , you need to escape it.


Note that the "{" and "}" characters will treated as ordinary literals when used in a context that is not a repeat: this matches Perl 5.x behavior. For example in the expressions "ab{1", "ab1}" and "a{b}c" the curly brackets are all treated as literals and no error will be raised.

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