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Open new page using OnClientClick - ASP.Net

I am working in ASP.Net C#. Trying to invoke Downlaod.aspx page to download a file when a button (added in a gridview) is clicked. Following is code.

<asp:Button ID="btnViewDocument" runat="server" Text="View" UseSubmitBehavior="False"
    OnClientClick='<%# String.Format("window.open(""../../Views/Common/Download.aspx?PropertyDocumentID={0}""); return false;", Eval("DocumentId").ToString())%>' />

When i click it, i can see following error in browser console.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .

But I am unable to figure out syntax error.

One option would be to make a separate js function and use it like below:

<asp:Button ID="btnViewDocument" runat="server" Text="View" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClientClick='OpenWindow(<%# Eval("DocumentId").ToString() %>)' />

JS function:

function OpenWindow(documentId)
    window.open("../../Views/Common/Download.aspx?PropertyDocumentID=" + documentId); 
    return false;

Try Below:

Method 1:

Change double quote to single quote

<asp:Button ID="btnViewDocument" runat="server" Text="View" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClientClick = '<%#String.Format("window.open('../../Views/Common/Download.aspx?PropertyDocumentID={0}'); return false;');",Eval("DocumentId").ToString()) %>' />

Or remove your string.Format and use like this

<asp:Button ID="btnViewDocument" runat="server" Text="View" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClientClick = '<%#" window.open('../../Views/Common/Download.aspx?PropertyDocumentID=" + Eval("DocumentId").ToString() + "); return false;" %>' />

Method 2:


<asp:Button ID="btnViewDocument" runat="server" Text="View" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClientClick='<%# "LocateMyPage(" + Eval("DocumentId").ToString() + ");" %>' />


<script type="text/javascript">

 function LocateMyPage(DocID){
     window.open('../../Views/Common/Download.aspx?PropertyDocumentID=' + DocID);
     return false;


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