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Invalid object name of a temp table

I'm salvaging Java code left for me from the previous employee, I was only left with the source code itself, I've had to recreate DB structure by myself. So far I fully restored it, but one line always throws exceptions at me and I can't understand why.

connBeztirazh.execSQLU("declare @ki table (ID_ki int); " +
"declare @bil table (ID_bilet int); " +
"insert into ki (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6) output inserted.ID_ki into @ki values ("+i1+","+i2+","+i3+","+i4+","+i5+","+i6+"); " +
"insert into bilet(ID_ki,data) output inserted.ID_bilet into @bil values ((select ID_ki from @ki),(select SYSDATETIME())); " +
"insert into rezultat (ID_players, ID_bilet) output inserted.ID_bilet values ((select ID_players from players where telnomer='"+number+"'),(select ID_bilet from @bil));", false);

This line throws out the following exception:

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name 'ki'.

I triple-checked everything, I recreated tables bilet , players and rezultat , they are used elsewhere in the code and everything's alright. As far as I understand SQL, ki and bil are temporary tables and since they are created and accessed in the same query there could not be any access/session problems.

In this case, I overlooked that in fact there are two tables: constant table ki and variable table ki . They are referenced by ki and @ki respectively, which is a really bad way to name your tables. After adding table ki to the database, everything started working as intended, as far as I can tell.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the post.

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