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How can I extract information from a recordList returned as node in python using py2neo?

My question is when I have my result as recordList and returned values are nodes then how can I extract information like properties of any particular node from recordList data structure?

results = graph.cypher.execute("MATCH (n:Person) return n")
for index in range(len(results)):
        print results[index].n


(n3:Person {birthday:"17/8/2001",name:"John",sex:"male"})
(n4:Person {birthday:"17/8/2001",name:"John",sex:"male"})
(n5:Person {birthday:"17/8/2001",name:"John",sex:"male"})

How can I extract name, sex properties out of returned recordList or Only way is to write cypher that return name and sex of all nodes?

A node has .properties :

results = graph.cypher.execute("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n LIMIT 10")

for row in results:
    properties = row.n.properties

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