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How to compare a variable String() to a string in swift?

I have a class in which I need to check a URL for json data compile that in an array and see if the latest content is an article/project/survey. My code compiles but it compare the strings to see if its an article/project/survey. Not sure what im doing wrong?

my code is

class LocalNotificationsManager {
    var articleSurveyOrProject = String()

    func checkForNewContent() {
        let url = "https://cdn.contentful.com/spaces/maz0qqmvcx21/entries?access_token=ae8163cb8390af28cd3d7e28aba405bac8284f9fe4375a605782170aef2b0b48";
        var jsonData:NSData?

        let url = "https://cdn.contentful.com/spaces/maz0qqmvcx21/entries?access_token=ae8163cb8390af28cd3d7e28aba405bac8284f9fe4375a605782170aef2b0b48";
        var jsonData:NSData?
        var latestContentDates = [String]()

            jsonData = try NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: url)!, options: NSDataReadingOptions.DataReadingUncached)
            let jsonObject:AnyObject? = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments)
            if let itemArray = jsonObject?.objectForKey("items") as? NSArray{
                for item in itemArray{
                    if let sysItem = item.objectForKey("sys"){
                        //this is createdAt
                        if let createdAt = sysItem.objectForKey("createdAt") as? String{

                        if let contentTypeItem = sysItem.objectForKey("contentType")!.objectForKey("sys"){
                            //this is id
                            if let id = contentTypeItem.objectForKey("id") as? String{
        }catch let err as NSError{

        let articleSurveyOrProject = content[0]


    func sendLocalNotification() {

        if (articleSurveyOrProject == "article") {
        } else if (articleSurveyOrProject == "survey") {
        } else if (articleSurveyOrProject == "project")
        } else {
            print("Oops! something went wrong it didnt get any values")


Note: Im working in swift2

The problem is this line:

    let articleSurveyOrProject = content[0]

Delete let .

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