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selected indexes of same value get first item not specified index

I have three jcomboboxes that all have the respected data in them, invoice id, invoice date and invoice amount. all three have action listeners on them that sends them to a class. in the class I run a switch case to see which combobox changed. from there I get that selected item and set the other two to that selected item. eg

index = jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex(); 

The problem I'm having is if the amounts are the same it selects the first index with that amount. how do I fix this?

The problem is that JComboBox internally uses setSelectedItem even when you call setSelectedIndex . The first item that equals is selected.

You can use a object wrapper for your amount field (I guess it is a double) that should take care of this.

This would be my interpretation of KDM's suggestion.

JComboBox<Object> idBox = new JComboBox<>();

Then when adding the objects:

idBox.add(new Object(){ public String toString(){ return invoice.id + "";}});

I think a better solution would be to use a custom renderer and have JComboBox, so that your invoices are stored in each box and just rendered differently, ie return the appropriate string.

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