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Server don't receive data send by iOS

I'm send a string to my server (PHP) with the code below:

    NSString* str = @"teststring";
    NSData* dataToSend = [str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    uint8_t *dataBytes = (uint8_t *)[dataToSend bytes];
    uint64_t length = dataToSend.length;

    [outputStream write:dataBytes maxLength:length];

The problem with this is code, is that I don't receive the string (Server recognize that a user enter and I receive a handshake in Xcode console) I test others codes and works very well (receive data), but in this time I'm trying by my own. I believe I'm not converting the message to the appropriate format, and that's why the message is not being received, am I right? If so how I could convert this message to the appropriate format?

Are you sure the output stream has space for writing that many bytes at the moment when you call the write:... method? You should only call write:... on an output stream from within your stream:handleEvent: delegate method, and only if the event code is NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable .

And you must check the result to see how many bytes were actually written. If it is fewer bytes than you sent, you must enqueue the remaining data to resend later, whenever your stream:handleEvent: delegate method gets called again.

For more details, see: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Streams/Articles/WritingOutputStreams.html

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