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C# array.sort() for multiple arrays in Descending order

I Have two arrays named weights and values. I wanted to sort Values based on the sorting of Weights. That works perfectly fine by doing


This gives me arrays sorted in ascending order. I wanted to do the same sorting in Descending order. Is there a better way to do without using Array.Reverse(Weights) and Array.Reverse(Values)

You'll have to use this overload and provide a custom IComparer<T> . The relatively new Comparer<T>.Create method makes this a lot easier because you can simply turn a delegate or lambda expression into an IComparer<T> without having to code a full implementation yourself. It's not clear from the question what the datatype of Weights and Values are, but here's an example using double[] and int[] respectively:

var Weights = new [] { 1.7, 2.4, 9.1, 2.1, };
var Values = new [] { 7, 9, 5, 3, };

Array.Sort(Weights, Values, Comparer<double>.Create((x, y) => y.CompareTo(x)));

And just for fun, here's a solution using LINQ:

var pairs = Weights.Zip(Values, Tuple.Create);
var orderedPairs = pairs.OrderByDescending(x => x.Item1);

I'd also recommend that you consider using a class to store weights and values together rather than as two separate arrays.

First, create a structure that holds the corresponding items.

var items =
        .Select((weight, index) =>
                Weight = weight,
                Value = Values[index]
        .OrderByDescending(item => item.Weight)

Then you can get the sorted array back:

Weights = items.Select(item => item.Weight).ToArray();
Values = items.Select(item => item.Value).ToArray();

But you may also try one of the answers here:
Better way to sort array in descending order

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