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Camel CXF REST: Setup then poll

The problem is simple but the implementation seems elusive. I want to send only once a few setup POSTs to a REST server and then begin polling every 5 seconds with GETs right afterward the POSTs was successful. What would the implementation for this look like in Camel Spring XML using the Camel CXFRS component? I don't want to write new code or a camel endpoint and would like to do this with the existing camel tools.

You could try something like below. For details on camel components refer to Apache camel documentation

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"
  <route id="abc" shutdownRoute="Default"   streamCache="true">
            <from uri="timer://foo?fixedRate=true&amp;period=100000" />
            <setHeader headerName="CamelHttpMethod">
            --setheader for Content-Type 
                <simple>https4://post url</simple>
            <log message="After Transmission " loggingLevel="DEBUG"
                logName="com.domain" />
                <simple>https4://get url</simple>

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