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Can't use Get Method in PHP

i'm not good enough at english and PHP. So I have a question: How to get result by 'GET' request? i have an url like this:


and my GET method like:

if (isset($_GET["$TANGGAL_PERIODE1"])) {

                                        from pemesanan p,supplier s,inventori i,karyawan k 
                                        where p.NPWP_SUPPLIER = s.NPWP_SUPPLIER and p.ID_BAHAN_BAKU = i.ID_BAHAN_BAKU and p.NIP_KARYAWAN = k.NIP_KARYAWAN and p.TANGGAL_PEMESANAN between '$TANGGAL_PERIODE1' and '$TANGGAL_PERIODE2' order by p.PURCHASE_ORDER_PEMESANAN");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

and the result is show nothing, i've tried using


but the result is same, i've tried my sql query into mysql and it works.

Can someone help me please? it would be great :)


Note the $ in the key. This will try to evaluate the variable $TANGAL_PERIODE1 rather than look a key of the $_GET array named TANGAL_PERIODE1

Be sure to not ignore E_NOTICE and E_WARNING messages when developing. These are important clues, this would generate a notice of an undefined variable.

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