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How to create single transaction manager for two oracle different datasources in jdbctemplate

I am newbie to spring jdbc template.I want to create a single transaction manager for two different datasources.Below is my configuration details

<bean id="dataSource1"
        <property name="driverClassName">
        <property name="url">
            <value>jdbc racle:thin:@localhost:1527/Hardua</value>
        <property name="username">
        <property name="password">
<bean id="dataSource2"
        <property name="driverClassName">
        <property name="url">
            <value>jdbc racle:thin:@localhost:1527/Jaise</value>
        <property name="username">
        <property name="password">

<bean id="transactionManager"
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource1"></property>
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource2"></property>

<bean id="jdbcTemplate1 class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource1"></property>
<bean id="jdbcTemplate2 class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource2"></property>

I tried the above but rollback is not happening in database.Is it the right way of achieving the transaction? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Well in this case ,you need to have a

JTA Transaction Manager (Global transaction Manager- 2 phase commit).

You have to use JTA implementations such as spring's own JtaTransactionManager instead of DatasourceTransactionManager which is a local transaction manager.

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