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Ruby on Rails - Remove/Replace some characters in string

I use nested_form along with bootstrap tab . To making bootstrap tab work properly I need to give each tab a unique id, otherwise only one of the 4 tabs will work correctly.

I have been able to get the id of each nested form input and give it as a unique id to each tab by using this:

- field_title = f.text_field :title
- id2 = field_title.match(/id="(?<id>[^"]*)"/)

In my bootstrap tab I have used this solution:

      %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#tab_1_upl_#{id2}"} Upload
      %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#tab_2_url_#{id2}"} link
      %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#tab_3_lib_#{id2}"} image library

    %div{id: "tab_1_upl_""#{id2}", class: " tab-pane active"}

    %div{id: "tab_2_url_""#{id2}", class: " tab-pane"}

    %div{id: "tab_3_lib_""#{id2}", class: " tab-pane"}

But the issue now is that, the id for anchor is like:

id=" #tab_2_url_id="table_choices_attributes_1464338477560_title" "

As you can see this part: ="table_choices_attributes_1464338477560_title" is the issue here and prevent the tab to work properly.

How can I only get the text inside the id or just replace = " ?

I have tried with gsub , tr , tr! and getting error undefined method .

Thanks for help.

tr or gsub can not be used with a variable. So what I did was to use it outside of the string like code blow:

%div{id: "tab_1_upl_""#{id2}".tr('"=', ''), class: " tab-pane active"}

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