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Ansible ec2_fact documentation

I have searched far and wide to try and find some decent documentation relating to Ansible's ec2_facts module, specifically related to the variables which are created by this module. However, I can't seem to find anything. It looks like there is are variables called ansible_ec2_instance_id and ansible_ec2_instance_type which are created but I'm looking for a comprehensive list of all of the variables which are generated by this module.

Is there any way to print out the variables stored by ec2_facts with the debug module?

I have tried this:

- name: Get the ec2 facts of this instance

but that throws a syntax exception.

Have a look at this documentaion and bear in mind that all variables will be created with the ansible_ec2_ prefix.


instance_id --> ansible_ec2_instance_id

That might help you.

- hosts: ec2
  gather_facts: yes
  connection: local
    - region: 'us-west-2'
    - name: Gather EC2 facts
      local_action: ec2_facts
      register: ec2facts

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ ec2facts }}"

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