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How to send multiple messages to eventhub using python

I already send batch messages using C# libs. I want to do the same thing using python, how to do it? Actually I'm able to send single messages but batch send will increase my throughtput. This is the code:

from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusService

key_name = 'RootManageSharedAccessKey' # SharedAccessKeyName from Azure portal
key_value = '' # SharedAccessKey from Azure portal
sbs = ServiceBusService(service_namespace,

sbs.send_event('myhub', '{ "DeviceId":"dev-01", "Temperature":"37.0" }')

I think it's possible because on the manual it says:

"The event content is the event message or JSON-encoded string that contains multiple messages."

Link to the manual

Try to replace the event content with the format like this,


So the complete code will be like this,

from azure.servicebus import ServiceBusService

key_name = 'RootManageSharedAccessKey' # SharedAccessKeyName from Azure portal
key_value = 'hdckR8xd*********************u5a84RoZSQHE=' # SharedAccessKey from Azure portal
service_namespace = 'myservice-ns' # service bus namespace

sbs = ServiceBusService(service_namespace,


sbs.send_event('myhub', '[{"name":"derek", "gender":"male"},{ "DeviceId":"dev-01", "Temperature":"37.0" }]')

Refer to Event Hubs (classic) REST for some information.

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