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One line RegEx to match 6 alphanumeric with exactly 2 alphabetic

I am trying to figure out how to use positive lookahead to get this to work with no success. I am playing with something similar to:


The only requirements are that
1. the string is 6 characters
2. has exactly 2 alphabetic and 4 digits.

So positive matches would be:


Your ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9])(\\w6)$ matches a string that has at least 1 ASCII letter or digit (due to (?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9]) ) and only has 1 word character followed with a 6 symbol. So, it will match strings like 16 or _6 , or a6 . Thus, it will not work as you expect.

You may use


See the regex demo

Explanation :

  • ^ - start of string
  • (?=.{6}$) - a check that makes sure there are 6 characters in the string
  • \\d* - zero or more digits
  • (?:\\p{L}\\d*){2} - 2 sequences of a letter and 0+ digits
  • $ - end of string

If you need to limit the expression to matching ASCII letters and digits, replace \\p{L} with [a-zA-Z] and \\d with [0-9] .

Also, to make sure you match at the start and the very end of the string, use \\z anchor instead of $ .

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