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Laravel 5.2 left join one to many only row with column of highest value

I am trying to do a left join using eloquent on a one to many relationship. I would only like to get the row with the highest value in the sort_order column.

So far my query looks like this:

        ->leftJoin('package_routes', 'package_routes.package_id', '=', 'packages.id')
        ->leftJoin('package_route_items', function($join){
            $join->on('package_route_items.package_route_id', '=', 'package_routes.id')
        })->...//do more stuff to query here

I'm stuck on the where clause, if I should even be using a where at all.

Since i don't know all the query where conditions i'll try to simplify (you will probably have to adjust column names and syntax

add use DB; at beginning of your controller/model

$data = DB::table('packages')
->select('packages.*, package_route_items.company_id, package_routes.company_id')
    ->join('package_routes', 'package_routes.package_id', '=', 'packages.id')
    ->join('package_route_items.package_route_id', '=', 'package_routes.id')
    ->orderBy('packages.value_column', 'DESC')->first();

That is what i have understand so far from your description. It's not tested but i think it should work with probably minor editing.

Similar question like yours is here , and here (hope it helps you even more than mine answer).

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