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How can I write this in nifty way rails?

Right now I have this code: @category.name.gsub(' ', '-').gsub('--','-').gsub('--','-')

What id does: If I have category with name sometext sometext , it will change all space charactes to - dash characters. sometext-someteext ( I use this for url building)

.gsub('--','-').gsub('--','-') - this part I need for the case when name is something like sometext - sometext so without this part my method will give me wrong output like sometext---sometext

So what is a more elegant way to rewrite that 3 gsubs into one?


.gsub(/ \-+ /, ' - ')

ActiveSupport::Inflector contains parameterize which is a more general for building urls.

> 'sometext - sometext'.parameterize
=> "sometext-sometext" 

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