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c# : How to call generic method with paramerters with in a c# method?

My approximate data table structure which i will get from my sqlserver stored proc call. I am using .netframework 3.5 and i want to convert this datatable to json output using ado.net. i have stuck at GetCountryList(FK,TypeName) . Kindly help me to acheive the below json output. Thanks for your help in advance.

Type        ID   Name          FK

Continent    1  America         0
Continent    2  Asia            0  
Continent    3  Africa          0
Country      11 USA             1
Country      12 China           2
Country      13 India           2
Country      14 Kenya           3 


public class UserData
  public string Type { get; set; }
  public string ID  { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public string FK {get; set;}

Service Method

 public static UserData GetUserData() {

   JavaScriptSerializer jSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer ();

    DataTable dtUserData = DataAccess.getUserDataTable();

   if(dtUserData !=null && dtUserData.Rows.Count>0)
      List<DataRow> list = dtMasterData.AsEnumerable().ToList();

      List<UserData> lstContinent = new List<UserData>();
      List<UserData> lstCountry = new List<UserData>();

        foreach(DataRow dr in list)
              var objUserData = new UserData();
              objUserData.ID = dr["ID"].ToString();
              objUserData.Type = dr["Type"].ToString();
              objUserData.Name = dr["Name"].ToString();
              objUserData.FK = dr["FK"].ToString();  


                  if(dr["FK"] !=null)
                    var ForgnKey = dr["FK"].ToString();
                    var TypeName = dr["Type"].ToString();
                    var CountriesList = GetCountryList(FK,TypeName)  //how do i call a generic method to filter out the country list as per passing Continent FK?



    private static List<T>  GetCountryList (lstCountry,ForgnKey,TypeName) //Not sure with the syntax
          var CountriesList = lstCountry.Where(p=>p.FK==ForgnKey).ToList();


            return jSerializer.Serialize(objUserData);


Expected JSON Output :

"data": {
            { "Id": "1", "Type": "Contient", "Name" :"America","FK":"1" },
            { "Id": "2", "Type": "Contient", "Name" :"Asia",   "FK":"2" },
            { "Id": "3", "Type": "Contient", "Name" :"Africa",   "FK":"2" },
            { "Id": "4", "Type": "Contient", "Name" :"Asia",   "FK":"2" }

              { "Id": "11", "Type": "Country","Name":"India","FK":"1" }

               [ { "Id": "12", "Type": "Country","Name":"China","FK":"2" },
                 { "Id": "13", "Type": "Country","Name":"India","FK":"2" }
               [ { "Id": "14", "Type": "Country","Name":"Kenya","FK":"3" }


Shouldn't the generic function be defined as:

private static List<T> GetCountryList<T>(lstCountry,ForgnKey,TypeName)
      return lstCountry.Where(p=>p.FK==ForgnKey).ToList();

Then called as:

var CountriesList = GetCountryList<UserData>(lstCountry,FK,TypeName);

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