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how to call python method from odoo 9 javascript

I have a piece of code to call the python method in javascript , but the code did not work , and an error will be show .ie

 error: Some modules could not be started 
 Failed modules: ["group_js.costume"] 
 Debug:  Object {group_js.costume: Object}

and my .py file is

class group_js(osv.osv):
  _name = "group_js"
  _description = "Group JS"
      'js' : fields.text('Javascript',required = True , store=True),
 def get_record(self):
     return [(i.js) for i in self]

my .js file is

odoo.define('group_js.costume', function (instance) {
     new instance.web.Model("group_js").call("get_record",[list_of_record]).then(function(result){

so i have no idea how to fix that , so please help me for fix this error .


To call a method from the odoo python model you have Model().call() in javascript.

For example think of following model in py file.

class group_js(models.Model):
   _name = "model.example"
   _description = "Example model"

   def get_record(self):
       return ''

And from the javascript file you can call it as:

new Model("model.example").call("get_record",[args]).then(function(result){ 
    console.log(result);//show in console Hello

Here the further details of call method:

 * Call a method (over RPC) on the bound OpenERP model.
 * @param {String} method name of the method to call
 * @param {Array} [args] positional arguments
 * @param {Object} [kwargs] keyword arguments
 * @param {Object} [options] additional options for the rpc() method
 * @returns {jQuery.Deferred<>} call result

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