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I need a Regex to match to the end of string

I need to remove everything after a specific pattern ("category: ") from a sting. I've tried a few things including this, but can;t get it to work:

text = text.replace("category:/([^/]*)$", "");

and this

text = text.replace("category: \w+", "");

Any suggestions?

text = text.replace(/category:.*/, "");

A String is not a RegExp in JavaScript. Do this:

var text = text.replace(/(.*category\:).*$/, '$1');


text.replace(/category:.*/, 'category:')

If you are only concerned about a fixed string category , you can use .indexOf and .substr.

var testString = 'category: stuff-to-be-removed';
var startPoint, endPoint, truncatedString;

startPoint = testString.indexOf('category:');
endPoint = 'category:'.length;
truncatedString = testString.substr(startPoint,endPoint);

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